

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Ayden's Birthday

CafeMom Tickers

Adel's Birthday

CafeMom Tickers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

tolong bersihkan sawang ni.. plzz.. huuu...i'm back..

aiyoo.. lame nye tak update with any entries.. ok 1stly.. my nightmare finally came true.. i blame myself.. yes.. i've never been so careless before.. but org kate klu dh nak jadi kan.. yess!!! ayden fell off the bed!!!! i was on mc dat day.. pelik nya he was sleeping beside me.. bobo's already out to work.. lupe plak nk letak in his cot.. sbb doze off sakit sgt senonot.. yes senggogot's finally here.. smue laa finally.. tibe2 bleh black out and telupe sang anak.. skali dengar crash boom bang! huu.. trus melompat tak hengat cramps dh! AYDENN!!! few seconds bunyi laa sore nanges die.. ya Allah.. telentang.. and THANK GOD.. mmg laa truk jatuh atas simen.. tade carpet! tp alhamdulillah kepale die jatuh on a tissue box.. whichh kurang kan skit impact jatuh tu! kemek kotak tisu tu so sure la kuat.. the thing is dh buat benteng tepi.. maybe sbb tu kot bleh mind ni bleh otomatik tak terpikir he can fall off the bed.. ya allah rase nak nanges.. i held him tight.. menagis die.. trus peluk momma kuat2 syahdu nyee! mende plg aku takut jadi jugak! puas laa sangkal yg every kid WILL sooner or later jatuh katil.. tp die tak knock out or muntah.. non of those symptoms.. so it should be ok.. insyaAllah.. few minutes after that die hyper balik ketawa2 with mata berkaca..

sian sayang momma.. ye momma leka.. sorry k.. pasrah bile smue org blame it on me.. mmg it was my fault i know.. what i can say now is.. thank god he is OK.

and hari yang same another bad thing happened to ayden.. he was coughing kan.. so i gave him ubat batuk yg ambek dr Dr Fauziah.. dah bagi ayden nampak groggy.. mmg ade Dr ckp he'll get sleepy after mkn tu.. so i tought it was nothing until.. my motherly instinct.. which was lambat a few minutes tu.. terpikir nak bace ape yg tulis on the bottle.. ubat tu name promethazine-5 and tekejutnye bace.. it was written there.. bukan sticker yg clinic tampal.. but sticker yg distributor ubat tampal tu tulis.. should not be given to children younger than 2 years of age ... apekah? does ayden look like he's more than 2 years old to u Dr.. so i did some research on the net.. and found an article which said that some people bleh kene psychosis klu ambik dosage yg lebey. Org yg overdose ni akan hallucinate.. pening etc.. and groggy.. drowzy etc lah..

kesian ayden.. bile tringat sedey sgt.. he was like tak senang duduk lah.. jage dr tido mate tableh nk bukak.. cam drowzy sgt.. smpi mlm nye.. pagi2 bute bangun menangis2 so he slept celah ketiax momma yg wangi.. huuu.. alhamdulillah the next day he was back his hyper self again...

jgn laa jadi lagi.. tak sanggup dh.. sedey tgk anak momma yg sorg ni sakit.. uhuk uhuk..

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