

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Ayden's Birthday

CafeMom Tickers

Adel's Birthday

CafeMom Tickers

Thursday, February 11, 2010

otai owh otai..

knp org2 kat ofc ni tak besh? y y y???nasib laa duduk dkt dgn org2 sebaya/younger.. walopon kiri kanan ade gak otai².. takleh masuk btul ngan otai2 ni.. ckp smue nk menang.. boring tul.. ajak borak pon mende boring.. huhu.. bak kate abg auw.. "jgn pecaye sgt ngan org2 team kite ni.. semua mulut longkang" bolehhh? err.. abg pon same ke bang? huu.. lantak korg laa.. yg penting gua buat hal sndiri.. tak ambik port.. keje sungguh² hari² pon org bukan appreciate hardwork kite.. yg diorg tgk.. benda yg slh je.. pastu konon pick by random laa.. podahhh~! ingat gua budak² ke nk ta ya pa wau..

sudah²! nnt gua demotivated.. yg penting mlm ni mlm jumaat.. heh heh heh.. apee kahhh??? mlm ni cite jgn tego lagi last episode laaa.. huhuhu.. pk bukan² je tahu!

mari dgr kantoi from zee avi untuk menaikkan semangat mood menulis.. huu..

so my dept is thinking of having a family day tah bile.. they haven't decided yet.. ni pon tgh busy lantik AJK. isk abg auww ni pandang maut lak kat gue nih.. apekah?

makcik beside me ni bikin panas btul... i got my office polo shirt and i took M size. u know what she said? "o0o0o.. u mmg size M dh skang.. tak bleh size S dah.. hahaha!" what the eF laaaaaaa.. mmg laa.. aku tak mcm anak lu... kering.. bas lalu terbang! heee... angin je.. kasi angin pus² br tau!

dah.. persetankan mereka2 ini.. marilah becerita pasal gath haritu..

last 2 weeks (thaipusam wel..wel..) we (A.T's) had another reunion at rendezvous.. this time our theme was red.. why red? becoz it's wel well... and CNY is around the corner kot.. or we just wanted something yg menyerlah for dat day.. last time it was pink.. i wonder what clr would be our next choice.. i was thinkin of something garden-like.. s baju color nature ke.. brown.. green.. we'll see.. maybe next time i will plan for the gath..

The Attitude Teenager's Gath

as usual... haritu borak pasal school days.. pasal anak² etc.. plg pnting MAKAN! thanx fidah.. it was her treat..more pictures to come.. tgh tunggu gambar from Nik's camera..

owh.. and yes.. we exchanged pressies... hair clip from fidah, mug from nik, bangle from fizah & cookies from julie.. i bought them charmbracelet watch (which wasn't costly.. mur² aje.. but hey.. it's the thought that counts.. plus it's chantex! hee..) haish.. nowdays.. semenjak dh jadi momma.. smue tak smpt.. i managed to make a plain box je.. no decorations on top.. sbb asal nk buat je.. uwekkk uwekkk.. ayden mintak susu-cap-gantung.. aiyooo.. how laaa?


organized by scha.. yg dtg, scha, watie and fmly, ajon & fmly, crocx & fmly, majid & wifey and my family of course.. it was a bit dissapointing sbb i was late haritu sbb shahril keje and jln jam *stoopid*.. so when we arrived.. baru duduk2 skali smue pon dh nak balik.. so mcm agak sedey and dissapointed laa.. tinggal laa with sha and majid+wifey jer.. so gath yg tak brape menarik for me.. maybe next time laa kot..

ok laa.. pumping time.. dh nyut nyuttt.. later alligator..


Ajonz said...

sorry kena balik awal x dan nak sembang ngan ang hahah.. fareez dah nak tido penat dari pagi dia layan main kat old wing tuh heheh.. next time ok!

Fara said...

ahh.. ko mmg.. ade blog baru pon tak gitau aku.. aritu ckp dh retire from blogging.. klu cik pah tak gitau aku pon tatau..