

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Ayden's Birthday

CafeMom Tickers

Adel's Birthday

CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ayden sihat dan aktif semula!

lame tak update.. why? ayden demam panas.. panas sgt².. start from saturday.. demam die naik turun.. skejap normal 5 minutes after very high.. but haritu kitorg letak cool fever and macam surut balik.. naik pon tak panas sgt since dah midnight.. ingat.. klu pape bwk klinik d next day je laa.. the next day panas camtu jugak comes and goes.. risau.. plan nak klua last2 cancel.. we stayed at home.. ayden was a bit grumpy.. ingat mcm sebelum2 ni lah.. demam biase.. letak kain basah kebah laa die tapi tak jugak.. ambik ubat kat clinic.. lepas mkn ubat mcm ok.. tp mlm tu jadi lagi on and off panas..

around 1am dah risau since temperature naik 39C.. bobo plak takot denggi since kulit ayden cam nampak tompok².. risau nyer pasal.. we decided to bring him to the hospital trus.. so.. pack² and went to selayang hospital.. sape sangke still ramai orang at that hour.. check punye check tgk tekak die bengkak.. kene laa ambik darah.. part ni paling mencabar.. tgk die melalak.. kesian nyeeee.. dah check, die suruh balik and come again at 8am sok nye.. so pegi lah ambik lagi darah.. sian alhamdulillah Dr tu ckp infection dh kurang and darah makin ok.. so bukan denggi.. semlm hantar nursery still panas konon nya.. tp bile kitorg balik tak panas pon.. tah laa neseri ni.. so satu hari smlm die sihat tapi grumpy and byk tido.. dis morning ke nursery sgt hepi.. siap bangun2 terus ckp "tet tet tet tett.." mase sampai siap hulur tgn kat teacher.. maybe he just wants a quality time with his parents.. haih.. rindu tgk ayden happy.. alhamdulillah he's ok now!

haa ni nk komplen pasal Dr's kat hospital tu.. to me.. one Dr ni i tak ingat the name.. but perempuan.. was really rude to me.. dah laa kurang ajar.. buat org macam org nodoh tak bependidikan.. sangattt kurang ajar.. mesti die ingat i saje je over sgt panic bawak anak ke emergency padehal anak sakit sikit je.. sbb after die tengok throat ayden bengkak baru she treated me like manusia.. u imagine.. die tanye question.. bile kite nak answer die potong.. klu ade 10 soklan camtu laa pangai die sampai habis.. she asked me brape lame ayden demam so i said masuk harini 3 hari.. die tanye since when.. i said since last saturday.. and die saun cam ckp ngan budak tak cukop umo.. kalau mcm tu 2 hari lah! aphal plak 3 hari! siap buat muke tgk org like i'm stupid.. rase nak lempang.. dah laa perut boroii! tombok perut baru tau! opsss puase..

dah dah.. kurus puase kang.. so ape masak jumaat haritu? err.. hubster masak lemak rebung+daging and i made ayam madu & begedil mini.. dapppp!!! trase2 plakk.. isk.. oklah.. perut tatahan plak harini.. mari layan gbr makanan.. hihihi.. dan gambar budak kecik.. asyik gambar handsome je.. kite letak gambar nanges plak lah!

huhu.. dapp dappp!

yang selebih tu bapak beli and terung goreng bapak buat.. huhu..

eeee.. buruk beno nanges nyee.. hahaha!


cik puan akish said...

dear..u ditag yah...sile la kutip..:P

Fara said...

aiyoo.. tak sempat nk buat tag.. ampunn!!!