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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eid ul Fitri 1431

1st of all.. Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin to all muslims around the world.. especially muslim bloggers.. ;) byk kumpul duir raya @ duit raya anak? hehe..

ok.. so i've been so busy kan.. with all the tempahan and persiapan eraye yang tak brape sangat.. semua lah.. these are some pictures and updates on what's new with ayden haiqal.. 11months is a very very very difficult time for me.. adapting to ayden's new behaviors.. ya Allah.. lasak nye tuhan je yang tau.. org negeri 9 kate.. lesek bona! adoi.. yes.. ayden dah tumbuh gigi.. gigi depan atas sebelah kanan.. and yes.. he has been biting everythig.. termasuk muke momma die.. now waiting for the next tooth to comeout.. dah bengkak nampak gusi nyer.. orang kate kalau tumbuh gigi dulu lambat jalan? ayden tumbuh gigi and nak jalan at the same time.. momma's so proud..! tak kesah laa ade mulot2 yg kate ayden lambat jln.. as long as he does ok je.. kan? mulot sangat bising ok.. rambut makin lebat.. badan still kurus.. no not because momma tak kasi cukup makan! dah die mmg mcm tu.. so jgn byk bunyi plz..

owh and yes.. ayden dah pandai pegang sndiri his bottle since last month ke last 2 months.. tak ingat.. hehe..

owh yes.. and this is his favourite sleeping position skarang.. huhu..

yesterday for the 1st time ayden jatuh sampai luke bibir.. sian sangat.. under papa's supervision.. ish3.. papa.. papa... comot laa ayden di hari raye.. huuu..

*far left : sempat lagi buat muke notty..*

haa.. ade lagi satu cerite.. makin hari i feel makin tak puas hati with the nursery.. especially after they recruit new and young teachers.. ayden balik dah 2x lebam.. baru ni pipi lebam.. semua org say it's like die kene pinch kat pipi sampai lebam.. but yg sakit hati bile sorg minah muke tak semenggah ni ckp "tatau laa tibe2 je petang tadi lebam.." wth?! atleast klu tell d truth tau laa should take him to the clinic or tak payah.. jgn laa tipu kan? the week before.. tatau laa camne.. ayden balik.. kaki penuh ngan tande gigit.. tak mcm nyamuk.. tatau laa semut ke pijat ke ape!!

korang rase kenape eh?

lastly sile la layan gbr ayden tido berbaju melayu and momma syiok sndiri.. huhu..

ni tarzan mane lak sosek ni..


naddynad said...

Ok 1st I nak gelak dulu..
Hahaahahahahahah pic ayden tido pkai baju melayu tu, sebijik mcm gaya papa dia..anak ayah betul!!

Kesiann okay!
I rasa u mmg kena start riki nursery lain ni fara..depa ni mcm xpro je..kesian tau dgn kaki ayden tuh..eeeeee geram tul !!

Fara said...

hahaha.. part mane yg mcm papa die tu nad? haha.. tulaa.. nak kene cari laa plak nursery lagi.. adoi...

Fara said...

haa tu yg pelik.. die tak gatal.. takde garu ponn.. tatau laa kot die tak pandai nak garu ke.. huhu..