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Thursday, April 05, 2012

a surprise gift & retail therapy... Bliss!

Semalam time balik kerja.. masuk2 kereta i saw a cute plastic bag.. with a cute something inside.. mcm blouse.. but i pretended not to see it sambil control kekembangan hidung keexcited-an.. borak like happy kononnya pasal my kacang pool habes bawak office makan ramai2.. tade idea sebenarnya nak cover ngan certita ape.. haha! sbb if tunjuk happy confirm bobo will say.. "suke latuuu suke la tuu.." dengan nada yang menjengkilkan itu.. wahahah.. wekkk..~ ;-P

lepas dah pusing depan office.. dia cakap.. "eh ape tu ape tu?" and point at the plastic bag.. me "ape ni? wahh" pastu tatahan nye pasal confess laa.. sebenanye nampak dah saje buat2 tanampak sbb tanak kena ejek! kah3x!

Dia beli kan blouse polka-dot.. cute.. i loike!! thanx suami.. i lap yu so mac! terima kasih kerana rasuah belikan isteri mu baju.. meriah ngan baju bulan ni! so bulan depan dan bulan seterusnya kena laa berpuasa shopping.. tapi kat Medan tak diambil kira hokey.. egegege..

pagi tadi follow a friend naik 1st floor.. katanya ada org jual tudung.. takpe.. follow je lah.. BUTTTTTTT! ended buying myself 2 syria's.. hahaha! the first one i saw was the one that i've wanted since last year.. with white base.. tapi takde size.. skali tgh selak2 tudung nampak plak the same design but base soft pink.. ape lagi.. terus pegang tanak lepas..

ade sorg akak ni dah teneng.. nyesal kot tak ambik? haha.. sorry.. it's mine.. haha! sooka! and konon nak ambik satu but then terrrr ambil lagi satu yg biasa but the material is like sooo soft and sejuk.. and sebab rasa guilty terus turun je office call husband and gitau dah beli.. hahaa.. nasib tak kena leter.. hahahahaa..

apapa pon.. retail therapy is sangat2 bagus.. boost kehappiness-an tapi tak bagus nye mengbankruptkan.. hahaha.. ok mau dating ngan bobo.. ke Taipan kita..

kthxbai Assalamualaikum..

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